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Player Scouting Report
(player name)
Current Role Listed Here
Feel free to call us and we'll be happy to cover aspects you can do on your own to help your player
Welcome to your 'Player Scouting Report Webpage'
Please take a moment to read the goals below for your player
Your 'Current Role' on the team is also listed in the bottom right box. Check back routinely throughout the season to see updates on your current role
Take some time, explore the page to see some of the other information we have for you...
The biggest thing we'd like to see for ???, being that he's a first year player to the program, is for him to learn all the fundamentals and the proper way to play the game of baseball.
Everything listed below are the core building blocks of the game.
At the end of the year when were up in Reno, if we look back on the season and know we achieved all these goals or made major strides in achieving these goals...
We honestly believe we could look back and consider this season a success for your player.
For example, as second nature:
To learn 'How to Compete'
To learn 'Having Confidence on the field at all times'
To learn 'How to Handle Adversity'
To learn how to 'NEVER QUIT'
To learn 'How to Enjoy the Game'
Supporting your teammates whether you're playing or not in the game at that time
Being a good 'Teammate'
Playing for the guy next to you (True Team Player)
Picking your teammates up on defense
Picking up your teammates when we score
And 'Giving it your all, giving it everything you have... and trying to play the best your capable of playing...At all times
In essence, learn the little things that go into playing the game as a 'Team' and the right way...
Know where to go with the ball and how to execute cuts and relays
Know what bases to back up and where to be on the field at ALL THE TIMES
Become more aware of game situations and how to execute them
Know how to defend bunt situations on defense
Know how to execute 1st and 3rd plays on defense
Know how to execute 'Rundowns'
Know 'Priority' on pop-ups or fly balls'
The goal is to learn the 'Art of Base-Running' so to speak.
The proper way to run the bases
Secondary Leads
Steal Starts
Know how to read a pitcher (Rhythm & Tendencies)
Know when to take an extra base
Know when to tag-up or go half-way
To learn and develop:
Repeatable Pitching Mechanics both out of the 'Wind-Up and Stretch'
Mound Presence (Posture - Demeanor)
How to use the 'Whole Body' when you pitch
Correct 'Stride Length'
Staying on the 'Stride Line'
Take steps in being able to locate the fastball
Begin to develop a change-up
Learn how to pitch to both sides of the plate
Learn how to execute pick off moves and control the running game
Learn how to VARY, switch up your pick-off moves
Pitch outs
To learn and develop:
Being a 'Tough Out'
Having a 'Good At Bat' each time we come to the plate
The Fundamentals of Hitting
Proper way to use the tee
Consistently getting the 'FRONT FOOT DOWN IN TIME TO HIT'
Getting to the 'Hitting Set-Up Position' consistently with a balanced, powerful base and 'Perfectly Vertically Stacked'
Additional 'Leg Drive', which will as a by-product increase bat speed and power
Pitch Recognition (Begin to develop the ability to recognize if the pitch is a fastball, curve-ball or change-up)
Approach to Hitting (Hitting Plan)
Approach to Hitting (2 Strike Hitting)
Begin to develop 'Situational Hitting'
Begin to develop 'Mental Aspects of Hitting'
Ability to 'Sacrifice Bunt'
Begin to develop how to bunt for a 'Base Hit' (Drag Bunt)
How to execute a "Hit & Run'
Begin to develop the ability to use the WHOLE field while hitting
To learn and develop:
Consistently have the proper 'Infield Ready Position'
Consistently make the routine play
Consistently communicating on the field
Consistently know where to be on the field (Proper Defense Positioning)
Begin to develop 'Situational Awareness' (Know where to go with the ball BEFORE its hit)
'Footwork' on a routine ground ball (Circle the Ball)
Consistently fielding the ball with the 'Proper Fielding Position' on ROUTINE ground balls
'Playing thru the Ball' on a routine ground ball (Footwork)
Footwork and Hand-Glove exchange on 'Relays'
Turning the 'Double Play' on routine ground balls and ground balls to the right & left
Begin to develop a 'Backhand'
Begin to develop how to field a 'Slow Roller'
Begin to develop footwork on ground balls to the right & left (Angles)
Begin to develop executing 'Spin Throws'
Begin to develop executing 'Jump Throws'
Begin to develop 'Breaking Back on Pop-Ups'
1st Base Goals
To learn and develop:
Everything listed above for 'Infield & Team Based'
How and when to 'Hold a Runner on'
When to play in front of the runner and when to play behind the runner
Digs (Balls in the dirt)
Coming off the bag too make a tag
'Inside - Outside calls with the catcher
'Clearing Himself' on a pick from the pitcher that requires a throw to 2nd base
To learn and develop:
Consistently having the proper 'Outfield Ready Position'
Consistently catch the routine fly ball
Consistently make the routine play
Consistently communicating on the field
Consistently know where to be on the field (Proper Defense Positioning - Back Up Responsibilities)
'Situational Awareness' (Know where to go with the ball BEFORE its hit)
Breaking back on fly balls and catching the ball on the run (Both to left & right)
'Knowing your Surroundings' (Fence, Grass, Wind, Sun, Holes)
Begin to develop executing 'Do or Die Ground Balls'
Begin to develop executing a 'Spin Throw'
Catching a ball in the sun
To learn and develop
Sign Giving Stance
Blocking Throwing Stance
Proper Catching Set-Up
Proper way to give signs
Begin to develop 'Slide Blocking'
'Trailing the Runner' to 1st (When Required)
Footwork on Steals
Footwork on 'Pitch Outs'
Catching a Pop Up
Fielding the Position
'Inside - Outside Calls
And begin to develop the art of 'Working with the Pitching Staff'
To learn and begin to develop all of the above
Spring / Summer Season Goal for player here
One of the things we tell the players all the time is, 'There is no secret to being good at the game of baseball... YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE ON YOUR OWN AWAY FROM THE TEAM.
If you as a family would honestly like to see your player be as good as he could possibly be... and more importantly if your player would like to see himself be as good as he could be... then you need to practice on your own.
You need to take the things your player is learning with us and go out and practice and also do them on your own.
Even if you just stick to the CORE 3, that in itself will do a lot.
Throwing the Ball (Play Catch)
Hitting the Ball (Take Batting Practice)
Catching the Ball (Take Ground Balls or Fly Balls)
Those that buy into this, listen to the recommendation and spend time to help your player away from our team practices... Those will be the players that excel and go the furthest in this game.
There is no secret to being good at the game of baseball... You need to practice on your own.
Derek Bell
There is NO GUARANTEE a player will play in an elimination game of a tournament.
In tournament elimination games, our coaches are going to put the line-up on the field that they feel gives the team the best chance to move on and do well.
The reason for this is simple, we know how important it is to the team as a whole to do well and go as far as they can.
On Sunday's in elimination games our Head Coaches will make every attempt to get all the players in the game, however depending on how the game is shaping up, there is no guarantee he will be able to do this.
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